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Meaning: Folding up (Menggulung)
Surah Number: 81 = 29 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [81:29]

Idzaa sysyamsu kuwwirat
[81:1] When the sun is covered,
[81:1] Apabila matahari digulung,

Wa-idzaa nnujuumu inkadarat
[81:2] And when the stars darken,
[81:2] dan apabila bintang-bintang berjatuhan,

Wa-idzaa ljibaalu suyyirath
[81:3] And when the mountains are made to pass away,
[81:3] dan apabila gunung-gunung dihancurkan,

Wa-idzaa l'isyaaru 'uththhilath
[81:4] And when the camels are left untended,
[81:4] dan apabila unta-unta yang bunting ditinggalkan (tidak diperdulikan)

Wa-idzaa lwuhuusyu husyirath
[81:5] And when the wild animals are made to go forth,
[81:5] dan apabila binatang-binatang liar dikumpulkan,

Wa-idzaa lbihaaru sujjirath
[81:6] And when the seas are set on fire,
[81:6] dan apabila lautan dijadikan meluap

Wa-idzaa nnufuusu zuwwijat
[81:7] And when souls are united,
[81:7] dan apabila ruh-ruh dipertemukan (dengan tubuh)

Wa-idzaa lmawuudatu su-ilath
[81:8] And when the female infant buried alive is asked
[81:8] dan apabila bayi-bayi perempuan yang dikubur hidup-hidup ditanya,

Bi-ayyi dzanbin qutilath
[81:9] For what sin she was killed,
[81:9] karena dosa apakah dia dibunuh,

Wa-idzaa shshuhufu nusyirath
[81:10] And when the books are spread,
[81:10] dan apabila catatan-catatan (amal perbuatan manusia) dibuka,

Wa-idzaa ssamaau kusyithath
[81:11] And when the heaven has its covering removed,
[81:11] dan apabila langit dilenyapkan,

Wa-idzaa ljahiimu su''irath
[81:12] And when the hell is kindled up,
[81:12] dan apabila neraka Jahim dinyalakan,

Wa-idzaa ljannatu uzlifath
[81:13] And when the garden is brought nigh,
[81:13] dan apabila surga didekatkan,

'alimat nafsun maa ahdarath
[81:14] Every soul shall (then) know what it has prepared.
[81:14] maka tiap-tiap jiwa akan mengetahui apa yang telah dikerjakannya.

Falaa uqsimu bilkhunnas
[81:15] But nay! I swear by the stars,
[81:15] Sungguh, Aku bersumpah dengan bintang-bintang,

Aljawaari lkunnas
[81:16] That run their course (and) hide themselves,
[81:16] yang beredar dan terbenam,

Wallayli idzaa 'as'as
[81:17] And the night when it departs,
[81:17] demi malam apabila telah hampir meninggalkan gelapnya,

Washshubhi idzaa tanaffas
[81:18] And the morning when it brightens,
[81:18] dan demi subuh apabila fajarnya mulai menyingsing,

Innahu laqawlu rasuulin kariim
[81:19] Most surely it is the Word of an honored messenger,
[81:19] sesungguhnya Al Qur'an itu benar-benar firman (Allah yang dibawa oleh) utusan yang mulia (Jibril),

Dzii quwwatin 'inda dzii l'arsyi makiin
[81:20] The processor of strength, having an honorable place with the Lord of the Dominion,
[81:20] yang mempunyai kekuatan, yang mempunyai kedudukan tinggi di sisi Allah yang mempunyai 'Arsy,

Muthaa'in tsamma amiin
[81:21] One (to be) obeyed, and faithful in trust.
[81:21] yang ditaati di sana (di alam malaikat) lagi dipercaya.

Wamaa shaahibukum bimajnuun
[81:22] And your companion is not gone mad.
[81:22] Dan temanmu (Muhammad) itu bukanlah sekali-kali orang yang gila.

Walaqad raaahu bilufuqi lmubiin
[81:23] And of a truth he saw himself on the clear horizon.
[81:23] Dan sesungguhnya Muhammad itu melihat Jibril di ufuk yang terang.

Wamaa huwa 'alaa lghaybi bidhaniin
[81:24] Nor of the unseen is he a tenacious concealer.
[81:24] Dan dia (Muhammad) bukanlah orang yang bakhil untuk menerangkan yang ghaib.

Wamaa huwa biqawli syaythaanin rajiim
[81:25] Nor is it the word of the cursed Shaitan,
[81:25] Dan Al Qur'an itu bukanlah perkataan setan yang terkutuk,

Fa-ayna tadzhabuun
[81:26] Whither then will you go?
[81:26] maka ke manakah kamu akan pergi?

In huwa illaa dzikrun lil'aalamiin
[81:27] It is naught but a reminder for the nations,
[81:27] Al Qur'an itu tiada lain hanyalah peringatan bagi semesta alam,

Liman syaa-a minkum an yastaqiim
[81:28] For him among you who pleases to go straight.
[81:28] (yaitu) bagi siapa di antara kamu yang mau menempuh jalan yang lurus.

Wamaa tasyaauuna illaa an yasyaa-allaahu rabbu l'aalamiin
[81:29] And you do not please except that Allah please, the Lord of the worlds.
[81:29] Dan kamu tidak dapat menghendaki (menempuh jalan itu) kecuali apabila dikehendaki Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.

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There are 29 verses in Surah At-Takwiir

Tags: At-Takwiir (Folding up), Holy Book Qur, #039;an English Translation, 1] : verse 12 [81:12] And when the hell is kindled up, QS, At Takwiir [81] : verse 13 [81:13] And when the garden is brought nigh, QS, At Takwiir [81] : verse 14 [81:14] Every soul shall (then) know what it has prepared, QS, At Takwiir [81] : verse 15 [81:15] But nay! I swear by the stars, QS, At Takwiir [81] : verse 16 [81:16] That run their course (and) hide themselves, QS, At Takwiir [81] : verse 17 [81:17] And the night when it departs, QS, At Takwiir [81] : verse 18 [81:18] And the morning when it brightens, QS, At Takwiir [81] : verse 19 [81:19] Most surely it is the Word of an honored m, entrepreneur school program subang, pts-ptn.net
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